Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cheddar Bacon Chicken

I've been planning this blog for 3 months now & I'm finally writing a post. I'm hoping that sharing some of my favorite recipes, meals, and cooking tricks with you, you will share the same with me.

Twice a month Joel and his friends have "Guys Night". Which mean once every 2 months, 4 hungry boys show up at my house. I've learned I better have something out on the counter to eat or they will eat everything in my fridge and pantry. I usually do something simple like crockpot soup or grilled burgers, but last week I thought I would cook Chase's favorite (and mine too). And thought this would make the perfect first post for my blog!

Bacon Cheddar Chicken, Green Bean Casserole, & Mashed Potatoes

This is always my favorite meal for MH to cook. She always knew when I got home from a church trip or weekend away I would want something good to eat! This was her go to meal. I went to get my recipe to make sure I included everything, but there was not a recipe in my box. I called MH and she said she would try to find it. I guess you know it's a classic when I can't even find a recipe for it.

Bacon Cheddar Chicken

Start with frying 8 slices of bacon. While the bacon is cooking, flatten 4 chicken breast. Dip them in egg and coat in bread crumbs. Remove bacon once cooked and cook the chicken in the bacon grease until done. I usually turn the chicken a few times to get a good crust on both sides.

While the chicken is cooking, grate several cups of cheddar cheese. Once the chicken is done, cover with cheese. Place a lid on the skillet and let the cheese melt. I let mine melt for at least 5 minutes.

Crumble the bacon while the cheese is melting. Once the cheese is melted put the chicken on your platter. Then top with the bacon.

The best part of this entire dish is the little pieces of cheese that falls off the chicken and gets really melted and crispy on the bottom of the pan. So don't throw those away :)

Somehow in the past nine years I've known Chase he's changed the name from Bacon Cheddar Chicken to Cheddar Bacon Chicken. I made 2 more classics to feed this wild group - green bean casserole & mashed potatoes. Both of which I do different than most people so I'll share those in another post.

1 comment:

  1. Delish!! Looking forward to the green bean casserole recipe! =)
